Heather Casperson

Senior Managing Consultant
PFM Financial Advisors LLC

50 South 6th Street
Suite 2250
Minneapolis, MN 55402

612.371.3753 office

State & Local Governments, Higher Education, K-12 Schools

Financial Advisory

B.S. in Business
University of Minnesota

Professional Designations or Licenses
Municipal Advisor Representative (Series 50)

Started with PFM: 2003

Started in the Field: 1998

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Heather is a senior managing consultant who provides senior level analytical and project management services to city, school, higher education and other local government clients.

Heather provides financial analysis, debt schedule development and modeling she also prepares rating agency presentations and preparation/review of disclosure materials. She provides assistance on various types of bonds and notes including general obligation, hotel revenue, lease revenue, sewer revenue, water revenue and parking revenue bonds for public facilities and economic development projects. Heather works with clients in Minnesota, Idaho, Kansas, and North Dakota.

She has experience presenting to large organizations, some of her presentations include the following: In 2024, Heather presented a session on Financing Capital Projects to the Minnesota Association of School Business Officials (MASBO) Institute. Additionally in 2024, Heather presented at the Minnesota Association of County Officers on Bond Registers, a Municipal Advisor Perspective. In 2023, she spoke at the Minnesota Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) annual conference and presented Capital Leasing – Another Tool in the Financing Toolbox with a panel of speakers. Heather presented a session at the 2023 Minnesota Rural Education Association (MREA) Greater Education Summit within a panel entitled Framework for Maximizing Educational and Financial ROI.

50 South 6th Street
Suite 2250
Minneapolis, MN 55402

612.371.3753 office

State & Local Governments, Higher Education, K-12 Schools

Financial Advisory

B.S. in Business
University of Minnesota

Professional Designations or Licenses
Municipal Advisor Representative (Series 50)

Started with PFM: 2003

Started in the Field: 1998

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