
PFM’s transportation finance practice has ranked number one in the transportation finance field since 2012, according to Refinitiv, advising on nearly twice as many long-term municipal transportation transactions as the nearest competitor.

Airports: PFM has worked to develop the nation’s leading airport financing advisory practice, and the professionals of our airport practice together have occupied the number one position in airport financial advisory for the past twenty years. We assist airport clients of all sizes with traditional and innovative financing structures, ranging from the use of variable-rate structures and interest-rate swaps to better manage private activity bond issuance to helping clients develop investor outreach programs.

State DOTs and Highway Agencies: PFM has served numerous state-level transportation agencies in projects that range from highway revenue bond securities to development of State Infrastructure Banks to Design-Build-Operate-Maintain program evaluations. We have been at the forefront of public-private partnerships (P3s) since their introduction to the U.S. markets and we developed the first state infrastructure revolving funds for transportation projects.

Mass Transit: Our in-depth knowledge of transit financial operations including complex federal, state and local funding arrangements and capital and operating cost structures means we are prepared to “hit the ground running” to address our clients’ needs. We help clients secure traditional grant funding as well as bond financing, and we're adept at merging alternative funding techniques, labor negotiations support.

Seaports: Seaports are by necessity public-private partnerships, bringing together shipping lines, manufacturers, retail firms, trucking lines and railroads with port, highway and rail infrastructure providers. At PFM, we understand the full range of potential capital needs and financial solutions and we bring independent, robust and insightful guidance to every project.

Toll Facilities and Highways: PFM’s experience ranges from difficult stand-alone start-up toll roads to mature turnpike system credits, statewide and regional authorities, and major bridge and tunnel project financings. We also have extensive expertise with the TIFIA program and various senior/subordinate lien structures. Whether the project at hand is new or greenfield toll road development, we recognize that these are difficult credits and they are an area where our team brings much to the client/advisor partnership.

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