District Management Services

We offer consulting and financial advisory services to special taxing districts, local governments, and redevelopment agencies across the U.S. We analyze economic and fiscal impact, tax policy and incentives, real estate markets, tax burdens, empowering our clients with the ability to make data-driven decisions. We also provide special district management and reporting services, operational accounting, and tax roll services.

District Management Services

Specific to the State of Florida, we provide District Management to more than 55 of the over 900 special Districts in the State, including Community Development Districts (Fla. Stat. § 170, 190), Improvement Districts (Fla. Stat. § 189, 190), Stewardship Districts (Fla. Stat. § 190, 298), and Recreational Districts (Fla. Stat. § 190). Our team approach means multiple members understand each client's needs, and we share best practices to address statewide issues.

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Led by professionals with backgrounds in government, we bring decades of experience to each client. This includes specialized knowledge and pragmatic expertise, for special Districts in Florida and beyond.


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